Contract Processing
Revolutionize the Speed, Accuracy and Cost in which you do business.
Eliminate overhead stress. We charge fee-per-file, with no minimum volumes.
Our Processors, with an industry leading average of 20+ years’ experience, don't just collect documents; they understand the lending process inside and out. With backgrounds in underwriting, MBA education and relevant credentials, CWG processors scrub files just as an underwriter would. Our goal is to provide a service level that rivals that of the best in-house processors while minimizing total file touches, enhancing your organization’s efficiency and reducing the total cost to originate a loan.
Why choose CWG for Contract Processing:
Lower overhead costs related to hiring, training and supporting full-time employees.
Leverage the skills and direction of a seasoned processor.
We operate directly out of all major LOS’s.
All of our Processors are located in the USA.
No long-term contracts or monthly minimum requirements.
Anticipate swift file processing - Choose us for a competitive edge.